Member-only story
Resignation from Tarrant Together
If I were to tell you one year ago, where I would be in the Democratic political world I would not have imagined a world that was as energetic and positive to the soul as it has been for me. Advocating alongside so many Democratic stakeholders in Tarrant County area politics is phenomenal. My experience in helping to guide the Steve Riddell for House District 92 team to closing a +15 Republican gap down to +2 Republican gap in a Texas State House race during the 2018 election is an accomplishment that I share with so many wonderful people. My election to the Senate District 9 resolutions committee to the 2018 state convention introduced me to the part of Texas politics that I enjoy the most — issues and resolutions writing for the party platform.
I joined a fantastic bunch of Democrats at the start of this year with Tarrant Together and I have seen the phenomenal success of the organizing of Tarrant area Democrats that has made me so proud. In this instance it is most difficult to say goodbye to an organization that is on a trajectory for continued success. I have left the board of Tarrant Together board to pursue some new exciting opportunities. This presidential year will be a huge year for Texas Democrats and I know that all of us will be working towards flipping the state legislature, flipping the US Senate and flipping the White House.
Yours Truly,
Heather Buen